Saturday, January 1, 2022

Still here...kind of!

Obviously, I haven't been posting here at all, though I still occasionally post food content on my blog's Instagram account. But this is still my little corner of the Internet, and it seemed the best place to post my annual 1 Second Everyday video for 2021.

The year starts out with a whole lot of Zoom calls, interspersed with walks with dear neighbors and patio dining with dear friends. And gradually, we add in stretches of indoor fun and even travel, mostly after rounds of vaccines. As I watch this video, I'm reminded of how incredibly lucky we are. We have access to vaccines. We have friends who were willing to adapt with us when it wasn't safe to gather, and to meet us on Zoom or on our patio, even when the weather wasn't the greatest. We have technology that allows us to work from home, and to gather remotely with coworkers and friends when it isn't safe to see one another in person. Despite all the craziness in the world today, there's so much good to be had, and we're so deeply thankful to have more than our share of that. So thanks, friends, for another wonderful year - and for humoring my MANY requests to shoot video of you, for the fifth year in a row. And yes, I am going to keep doing this - these video diaries are such a great memento of the years, and I can't stop making them!

Happy New Year!


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